Saturday, December 23, 2006


So battlegrounds are a fine way to entertain yourself while waiting for the patch, but you know what pastime I really enjoy? Vigilante justice.

Mojito was complaining about a level 50 Hunter corpse camper in Shimmering Flats on /guild, so I fired up my Gadgetzan Transporter to help out. On my way to Shimmering Flats , I ran into "Jollygood", the aforementioned camper heading back to Gadgetzan. I was able to kill him twice before he got in the walls of Gadgetzan, but once there, the guards' nets were stopping me from playing with him. So, I decided to try out some of my new Subtlety talents. Specifically, I found that "Improved Sap" and "Cloak of Shadows" allow you to Chain-Sap pretty much anyone you want. The Cloak of Shadows gives you a 90% chance to avoid flares.

Hehe... this kept me entertained for about 15 minutes, even after Mojito had to log off himself. At one point the Hunter was able to mount, but I just waited 'til he stopped at the mailbox and sapped him on his mount. Good, good stuff.

So- if you guys ever need some Alliance justice, just send up the Bend-signal. I'll be there.

Wednesday, December 20, 2006

24" of ui


still nut really happy with it, but i like this ui setup a lot better... oh, the possibilities with 1920x1200! gyoooooohohoho!!!! new monitors ftw

Monday, December 18, 2006

Teh Pain.

Okay, well I haven't been on WoW much because of RL crap, but even when I do try to log on for a Battleground or four, I run into crazy lag and glitches. I'm hoping Blizz works this out soon... I have about 4k honor right now, and grinding that was crazy painful. We should group up for premade AB or something some time.

Also, who's gonna be around this weekend? Anyone up for a high-end instance run?

Wednesday, December 06, 2006

zomg 2.0

wholy crap there's a buncha goodies to get now... i played 1 av, got like 200 bonus honor for the loss, prolly ~50 for kills... it's gonna be a long climb for those epic lewts. -_- anyhow, we should plan on our arena team. name ideas? team size?

i am still spec'd prot up the ass, so as soon as i get some time, we should run summore instances too :D

Monday, December 04, 2006


Dwight, Cowchan, and I continued the tradition of finding borderline psychotic PUGs, this time in the form of a Priest who refused to leave Shadowform, was apparently trying to pull AND tank, and was just generally trying his best to wipe us. We gave him the boot and picked up Wolfenstine, a 59 druid with some Cenarion gear, which was an obvious improvement.

Grats to Dwight and Cowchan on finishing your class quests! Let me know which rewards you end up opting for. BTW, that "Chained Essence of Eranikus" isn't a bad trinket, but if you like you can also turn it in for XP in and gold in SoS: Just find this dude, and talk to him (he won't have a mark over his head, but he's in a cave and you just start talking to him).