Thursday, May 11, 2006

Finals sucks, graduating is cool

Hey everyone. Just so you guys know, I'll be moving/studying/taking finals/graduating until the 21st, so I probably won't be on besides every once and a while to try and grind on up.

Also, I'm very much up to do some instances between the 22nd and June 1st. After that, I'll be moving around, hitting up Europe and Australia, and then won't be back to my trusty laptop until the beginning of August. So, if anyone wants to maybe run RFK, SM, or the other mid-40's fiascos, I'll be very very free to do so after the 22nd. Huzzah!


InfoMofo said...

Certainly you mean RFD Cow-man? I am down for killing the coldbringer. I think I can get a pretty nice OH sword from the quest there to replace my Sword of Omen, which is getting a little stale.

As for coordinating some instance times if you really want to do instances midweek, I would be up for doing instances from 10PM-1AM EST, if there are any instances that we can do in 3 hours.

OT: I was just in Australia! What areas are you going to?

meef said...

arrrgh, i will be in JAPAN from the 22nd to the... ummm well around the 1st. oh well, guess i'll have to party up another time...

InfoMofo said...

Sigh. The problem, guildies... is that we're all entirely too well-traveled. Mefears that we are far too cosmopolitan to get some solid guild-instancing action on. Ah well...

meef said...

yeah, perhaps we should try more to just join pugs with whoever's on. i say, better to pug with 1 person ya know than with 4 random peeps. and for all the shit pugs get, it's really not all that bad. i mean, i was in pugs for all my instances until i joined the fellowship... and i finished practically every quest in every pre-60 instance... so yeah, that was a lot of pugging.

yes, i give pugs a lotta shit, but honestly, if the choice is between no instances and pugs, i'd pug it up. especially now, as we're getting closer to 60, it's really nice to pick up some blues from the available instances...

Rick Kitagawa said...

Yes, yes, RFD. Ah, the fun fun times of getting RFK and RFD confused...

I'm hitting up most the Melbourne area, with some stops in Sydney and up there. The girlfriend is from Melbourne, so we'll be there for 2-3 weeks.

And yes, I fear we are all too awesome and cool, and thus we may have to pug it up. Nevertheless, I enjoy pugs with at least one person I know I can count on, so I guess perhaps we'll set up some 10PM-1AM EST instance runs in the near future. Huzzah for finishing another final! Huzzah for blues!

Alex said...

Yeah, I'll be gone from the 21st to the 28th as well ... I did two PUGs for SM ... first run was great and I picked up two blue items ... second was not so great ... we did the Cathedral with no one over lvl 40 beside myself ... and they rolled while we were fighing the adds that came during the boss fight ... what bs. Still, it was better than nothing.

InfoMofo said...

Well I'm in SF for my bro's graduation starting today. Maybe Dwight and I will get some instancing while I'm there before he heads off to drink Pina Coladas on the beach.

Rick Kitagawa said...

I tried to do an Sm cath run with a PUG, when we almost wiped BEFORE the boss (I FD'd), then found myself stuck there with the rest of the group disbanding the group.

Besides 1 green, a total waste of 1.5 hours. I miss you guys...

meef said...

ugh, that really sucks. probably mostly common sense, here's a couple guidelines to minimize shitty groups (or at least, this is what i look for when i'm going pugging):

--don't group with people who aren't at least the same level as the final boss. some exceptions: people who you know to be skilled at playing their class, good healers, and lowbies in a group of higher level characters should be fine
--if you've never been to a particular dungeon, make sure to group with at least 1 other person who is familiar with all the pulls and bosses. learning encounters with a pug is often painful.
--make sure everyone in the group has at least 2 hours to spare.
--make sure the looting rules are clear to everyone before starting
--don't focus on gathering quests, those take care of themselves over time. try to kill the bosses as fast as possible.
--if the group is too haphazard, take charge and beat those fuckers into submission.