Monday, December 04, 2006


Dwight, Cowchan, and I continued the tradition of finding borderline psychotic PUGs, this time in the form of a Priest who refused to leave Shadowform, was apparently trying to pull AND tank, and was just generally trying his best to wipe us. We gave him the boot and picked up Wolfenstine, a 59 druid with some Cenarion gear, which was an obvious improvement.

Grats to Dwight and Cowchan on finishing your class quests! Let me know which rewards you end up opting for. BTW, that "Chained Essence of Eranikus" isn't a bad trinket, but if you like you can also turn it in for XP in and gold in SoS: Just find this dude, and talk to him (he won't have a mark over his head, but he's in a cave and you just start talking to him).


Anonymous said...

hahaha a shadowpriest that wouldn't drop shadowform? that's just classic. i swear we get the worst luck.

glad you guys got thru a run, it's been awhile since the last bbq, no?

hopefully i'll get back in the swing of things soon...

InfoMofo said...

Yeah- there should be a law against healers using DamageMeters whatsoever in an instance. It just leads to pain.

He was seriously trying to kill us, I think, luckily Cowchan and I were overleveled. I think Dwight took a nasty fall once though.

I don't think it's our luck, I think that pugging healers is just asking for headaches.

Rick Kitagawa said...

I fucking hate PUGing healers, and am *almost* ready to just just start up a priest just so I don't have to deal with these crazy people anymore.

Although I must admit, our luck with the psychos has been quite entertaining so far...