Wednesday, January 31, 2007

We've Upgraded!

Thanks to our former captain, Julius, we have been able to upgrade! Blogger is out of Beta! Anyhoo, it seems like while I've managed to get the hang of avoiding Fel Reavers, the lovely Alliance has taken to flying around on their uber mounts then swooping down and ganking us Horde folk.

Also, I'm nearly 62 still without doing a full run of Ramparts. Frickin' PUGs... but the good news is that I'm almost ready to pick up my mount upgrade and all my greens are now on par with a lot of the old 60 blue gear. Whoop whoop!

On a side note, I'll be playing even less than I have been due to art school starting. Eh, so it goes.


Rick Kitagawa said...

Uh, also, if there are any other posts by TRWOW,it's actually Rick aka Cowchan. So yeah.

meef said...

test for new blog justice

InfoMofo said...


I actually just hit 63 last night, but I'm far behind you in terms of money generation. I'm only just at 100g, and it will be quite some time before I can afford an epic mount, much less one of the swoopy ones.

I just want Deadly Throw so I won't be totally pwned every time I try to do the PVP objective quests!