1) i've been in a seminar thing in sf all week so my schedule is all crap and don't really have much internet access during the day -_-
2) going home this weekend and next weekend since my sister got into davis med school and i need to get my dad's truck back.
3) epic mount roxxors and totally kicks ass for quests... of course... now i'm almost out of quests (well, prolly still 1-3 more weeks of netherstorm at my current rate). still, for dailies it just makes them that much faster.
4) netherdrake quests suck big ass.
5) got an awesome tenacious earthstorm diamond for my helm from the steamvaults completion quest

5) now that my income has been freed up, lemme know what kinda crap ya need. tomes, signets, diamonds, pots, etc.
6) should i get a gut ripper for kotonoha? eeeehehehehe
I can't believe you're out of quests ><. Go find Illidan, he may have some chores for you to do...
I only have about 400g right now; I need to find a good way to make money... I'm sitting on a ton of ore, hoping to eventually get my Engineering up. I think if I make that Nigh-Invulnerability Belt it could give us a big leg up on some of those 2v2 fights. I think the big things I'm missing are:
4x Primal Fire
6x Primal Life
2x Arcanite Bar
2x Ironweb Spider Silk
Once I make the belt, I should be able to start selling off some of my ore, which is probably a couple hundred gold... I've also started selling some of the byproducts from instancing, such as Blinding Powder, and the stacks of Arcane Dust i've gotten from just /rolling on DE'd stuff...
Also I should be doing the daily quests; if anything, both Ogri'la and Skyguard have good dps upgrades for me.
The other thing is... I don't know if I have Meef's discipline. I think once I had about 2k gold sitting in my bank, things like the Vengeance Wrap would start looking mighty appealing...
I can definitely send you some primal life and I think I have some arcanite taking up bag space...I'll mail 'em to you if I got 'em.
i already sent him 6 primal life i think :P
I also require more Vespene Gas.
Get on that.
So after some a run of Bot, Mech, and two SV runs, I managed to get a new gun, one piece of my t3 beast gear, as well as the pattern for that Vengeance Wrap that is so desirable. I guess we'll just have to wait for Alex to level up his tailoring so we can force him to make them for us.
Also, I sent the arcanite over. Just saying :)
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