Friday, March 14, 2008

Calling all cowchans

K Meef and I are on right now. I think we can get our 7 games in. Lemme know if you'll be free any time between now and tuesday. Also, meef has to leave on Wednesday so I think I'll get 3 games in with him on Tuesday night .


Rick Kitagawa said...

Cowchan says : goddammit, I forgot to update my bookmarks on my new computer and didn't check this until now. Sigh.

I'll be better about the arena-ness in the future. Sigh.

/pulls out hair at pushing back s3 legs yet another few weeks>

InfoMofo said...

well jason and i did 3 games already this week before he went to japan, so we need to get 7 between now and monday.

Rick Kitagawa said...

So I'll try to be on tonight, I get off of work at 5:30 so hopefully I"ll be on by 6pm PST.