Wednesday, February 01, 2006

You know you're playing too much wow...

...when you're driving down the freeway and you swear you just heard nightfall proc.


Alex said...

... when you swear your co-worker has the same beard as this dwarf you saw in the Barrens.

InfoMofo said...

...when your Ambush crits your boss for 1802!

Rick Kitagawa said...

..when you start using WoW as a metaphor for life while trying to console a friend.

I actually do this. Sigh.

Alex said...

... when someone walks by and you swear you heard the "walking on the road" sound effect from the game.

jesse said...

...when you start humming wow theme songs as you wait for the bus... with both arms waving madly up and down as you lead the ensemble.