curse ups!!! my package was out for delivery yesterday, but they suck teh balls and failed to get it here >< as usual, i should not have gotten my hopes up when the expected arrival was early -_-
ugh, btw, does anyone know the login for the master account? i wanted to switch it over to the new shit... that way my google account posts won't be a separate account and require approval -_-
I think I still have Julius' email addy, so I'll email him to ask him to switch it over to someone. Anyway, Will, J, hit me up via email. I'll probably take this down soon, so I don't get spammed, but hit me up at "the kitagawa (at) gmail" (no spaces, yo).
And I kinda like the Fel Reaver. They're kinda cute.
Pssht, Tuesday? By then we'll all have level 70 uber blood elves with Tier 5.
You're TOO LATE! I'm 61! Already I can feel the power rushing through my veins! My green accessories shall help me rule Azeroth with an iron fist!
Oh crap, Fel Reaver.
Muah ha ha, I already dinged two days ago! My awesome new blue pants, my green gear, and my portal/beast/elements cards shall...
The reaver got me too.
On a more serious note, when the screen starts shaking, you really should look around to see what's going on.
curse ups!!! my package was out for delivery yesterday, but they suck teh balls and failed to get it here >< as usual, i should not have gotten my hopes up when the expected arrival was early -_-
ugh, btw, does anyone know the login for the master account? i wanted to switch it over to the new shit... that way my google account posts won't be a separate account and require approval -_-
Yes I second the lowbie's idea to upgrade to blogger 2.0. Then we could implement categories!
However, I think Julius has the master account. Rick, Alex, either of you keep in touch with him?
NERF FEL REAVER! (J, Fel Reaver is the Son of Arugal/Devilsaur of Helfire Peninsula... well, you'll find out soon enough...)
I think I still have Julius' email addy, so I'll email him to ask him to switch it over to someone. Anyway, Will, J, hit me up via email. I'll probably take this down soon, so I don't get spammed, but hit me up at "the kitagawa (at) gmail" (no spaces, yo).
And I kinda like the Fel Reaver. They're kinda cute.
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