You guys still on a lot? I forget... what times should I aim to be on for arena? For me I usually get home around 7:30 to 8... after work out and stuff it's usually around 9 to 10... so if i do log on, it's generally around then. i don't mind getting matches out of the way though, so just let me know if 7:30ish is a good arena time for either of ya.
Lack of play time has mostly been due to anime recently... the post title is the name of one of the many i'm currently following (shakugan no shana [plot description has some spoilers about half way through]... there's also a manga version i'm reading, and a light novel series (that the whole thing is based off of)... which i'm also reading ^^;;) ...anyone else still keepin' up with anime?
shakugan no shana openings and endings
eh- i only follow the manga that get translated to english.
Uh, i think we've done 4 games today- so we need to clean up the rest tonight hopefully. I'm really hating my rogue right now since the last nerf, but I did get my prot pally up to 42. I did most of the new quests in Dustwallow Marsh, which are all nicely chained, and it was new content for me, which is cool.
there's already at least 1 volume of shakugan no shana translated :P
but uh yeah we need those 6 games tonite -_- i can get on when i get home...
hey- do you know if manga is popular in any of the digitally distributed formats? As most manga are black-and-white, I wonder if they will take off on platforms like the Sony E-Reader or the Amazon Kindle...
alas, don't really know anything about that...
i'd bet you can get it on your phone in japan thou heh
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