Other than making the unfortunate choice of PUGging a troll healer in a purple dress who was visually identical to the mobs we were slaying, we had an excellent run through ZF. Dwight and I got blued up, and everyone finished all the quests except for the collection of Troll Juice, which really is just as well. It was also our first run with Cowchan back from his world tour, so that was also pretty cool.
See the full post for more pics.

Gojira was no match for us, and I am now using one of his fangs as my ambush weapon.

Chief Uzorz has like a 7% chance to drop Embrace of the Lycan, which is not only the best helm I can get prior to Stratholme, but it also makes me look like Fox McCloud! Rawr! Now I don't have to miss out on my lycanthropy when I'm not playing my druid. And alex can keep saying something about bdussbdbd. The only downside is you can no longer see my awesome mohawk, which is a little sad. Back to the topic of Starfox real quick though, if you haven't seen this penny-arcade strip, it really should not be missed.

Dwight actually got in the way when I was trying to get a screenshot of my cool helm, but I thought I'd include this. Among other things, Dwight was able to snag Zum'rah's Vexing Cane. We're all starting to look very menacing, which is good.
nyohoho! looking forward to our next run. mara is a pretty cool place, but pretty long. may have to split it into two runs... but yesh, good stuff
right, so now our big ticket items in the near future are:
Maraudon -> Back to Jintha for the Egg -> Sunken Temple ?
Somewhere in there we need to go back to Jaednar and do a bunch of those quests to get Alex a little pet infernal.
Uhhh... So... literally 3 days after we run ZF (wiping once in the process), Blizz releases Patch 1.12 with these changes, majorly nerfing every mob in the place. WTF?
They're onto us dudes.
Bliz is on to the BBQ, but we didn't technically wipe...thanks to FD.
Also, to speed up things like that, are there such things as Dwarven Jumper Cables that this humble hunter might be able to have?
There are goblin jumper cables, but you can only use those if you pick up Engineering.
Engineering isn't a bad profession for a Hunter, as you can craft your own Ammo, but at this point it might be kinda expensive to train up. You'd also probably have to drop Alch/Herb for Mining/Eng entirely...
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