Sunday, March 25, 2007

Me GUSTA La Armería (Dame mas Armería)

Hola from Peru, and Muchos Grácias a Meef para keeping me updatado en los happenings. I would be going through la withdrawal de WoW right now, were it not for his frequent updates (and the abundance of Coca Tea in this beautiful country).

However, I'm disappointado to inform you that my attempts to stalk you all via the armory have been foiled by a massive language barrier:

Though I did at one point receive a "Cinco" in AP Spanish, that was a long time ago, and my vocab never included stuff like "Aguante" (Stamina) and "Escarcha" (Frost¿). I suppose I'll have to wait til I get back to properly check y'all out.

BTW, I'm about a half hour outside of Machu Piichu, and not only is the internet cafe I'm using to write this ALSO a Chifa (Chinese Restaurant), but they have Vista on every machine. Just weird.


meef said...


"no muerto"?
"yelmo del submundo"?

es awesome...oso.

InfoMofo said...

"No Muerto" is pretty much my favorite thing ever.