Thursday, March 15, 2007

Siebzehn, Säugling

Hit 70 on Sunday after some crazy questing, but I was too lazy to post until now. I also picked up my epic riding mount; I felt like the only level 70 without one, so I felt like I had to get one. Of course, now I'm the only lv 70 without a flying mount, so I'll be saving my pennies for that now... sigh.

I also did a total revamp of my UI and addons. Cut my memory usage down by almost half, and it looks pretty slick. I'll add some screenshots when I get home.

So... Meef and Dwight still both need a Ramparts run. You guys wanna set something up for tonight or maybe Sunday? I'll probably be massively hungover Sunday, so an instance 10 levels below me will be about my speed.

NOTE: Also I was bored at work so I put labels on the last 50 posts of our blog or so. Yeah...


Rick Kitagawa said...

Grats!! Btw, how much do flying mounts cost?

Anyhoo, yes, we still need to do a ramparts run, but Sundays are sorta bad for me now cuz I work 11-6 PST.

Boo, shows how much BBQing we've been doing lately. Anyhoo, I'm cool with you running Ramparts w/o me, and then we can catch up on BF someother time.


InfoMofo said...

Flying Mounts cost 900g total I think, so it's not much worse than getting the Epic Mount.

I'm not good at saving money though... I really should go back to those zones I skipped (i.e. Blade's Edge Mountain) and do quests there for money; I get like 10g per quest at 70, but I'm just too lazy.

meef said...

i seriously need some instance running or a new spec >_<

i was doing the hfp world pvp, found this mounted 60 gnome warrior... engaged him, he tried to run... i cb'd him (5s stun)... then he proceeded to kill me with half his life left >_< well, of course it doesn't help that i'm still a pvp nub, but with that much of a jump on him... blegh. dmg is def not my current forte...

InfoMofo said...

Prot in PVP ftl?

Warriors and Druids are the two classes that consistently pwn me (when they're Fury/Feral spec'd). I have armor-reduction talents, armor ignoring dot-finishers and poisons, stuns up the ass, and I still hit them like a 5-year-old girl.

Pallies are a pain too, but I can normally stun them at the right time to blow through their shields and whatnot. And let's face it, all pallies are noobs.