Thursday, August 31, 2006

Holiday Weekend

So my plans to travel to exotic Maine to observe the habits of the Flying Panda fell through, so I may be a bum and just stay in New York this weekend. If so, I'll probably be playing a lot of WoW. Is anyone interested in doing an instance on Saturday morning and/or Monday as well?

Right now our progression is pointing to either Maraudon, or back to Jintha'Alor for Cowchan to get his trinket and for us to get that stupid egg. Mara would require a pugged healer, Jintha would not. I think that Dwight still needs to get his infernal, as well.

Who's available this weekend?


meef said...

i believe i'm heading home for at least saturday, not sure when i'm going to be back -_-

Rick Kitagawa said...

Bah, I already missed it, as I'm waiting for internet service to get hooked up at my new place.

And to the previous post, yes, the x-server BGs are indeed amazing. I'm right at end of the 49 xp bar, so I'm just WSG and AB'ing until the need comes for me to hit 50. And then I'll probably have enough tolkens to jump all the way to 51. Muah ha ha! Plus full rest! I shall catch up with you all very very soon!

InfoMofo said...

Nah we didn't get to do it; although I did knock off a bunch of Un'goro quests, almost got to 55, and got a deal on some Devilsaur Gauntlets, so I'm doing alright.

Is this Saturday better for everyone?

Rick Kitagawa said...

I still don't have internet access, but I did find a place and a job! Woot!

Now, only to get the goddamn comcast guy to call me back...