Monday, August 14, 2006


Anyone up for Zul'Farrak this Saturday, same Bat-Time as normal? Now that I'm using ItemRack, I think I want to get that dagger off of Gahz'Rilla and train up Ambush.

Rick, if you're situated, you should come. Level 48 should be fine for the mobs in Zul'Farrak, and then we'll just have to PUG a healer.


meef said...

should be good for sat. mornin. in the afternoon i have to get over to jtown to pick up some books i ordered though

Rick Kitagawa said...

The cow will be coming. I'm currently still homeless, but I'm bumming internet off my gf's sister's place :P We're running at 10am? It's been so long I forgot the time...

meef said...

mmm think we're gonna try to 9?

meef said...

yeah 9... btw, do you use google calendar? or maybe regardless we can just add you as a guest and you'll get the invites if ya want? not quite sure how it works