So I was doing a quest outside of Strattrath when a warp lizard attacked me ... not a big deal ... until a 69 human warrior decided to join the lizard ...
HAHA I was triumphant ... and the 3669 soulfire crit sure helped out too ...
The official blog of Steves Korean BBQ, a Guild on Dragonmaw.
holy crap, healthstones can CRIT? Sweet.
I even have a talent that increases healing effects on me by 20% or something... Which would make that crit Healthstone especially awesome.
demonic runes and the like can also crit so be careful -- they can kill ya! hehe
man that was sexay thou, >3.5k crit? i can only dream of that kind of burst dmg. i'm happy when i crit shield slam for... 600 ^_^;;;
oh btw, the labels are supposed to be comma separated... unless you meant to have a giant 4 word label? hopefully not, in which case i've fixed it. otherwise, whoops. ^^;
comma separated? Jeez google, you always gotta be different eh?
Sigh, I wish I had taken screenshots of this other world PVP stuff I did last week, which I will refer to as "The Dumbest Pally In the World".
Basically I was grinding Motes of Air in Shadowmoon Valley, and this Pally ganks me out of nowhere. Now realize, unlike Nagrand, the respawn rates of air elementals in Shadowmoon is ridiculously high, so there's no reason to gank anyone there ever, as there's more than enough Air to go around. Furthermore, this pally waits til I'm at 30% health and then stuns me in the mobs AOE. Though I avoid a PVE death, he does eventually get me with some other random judgement thing.
Ever vindictive, I rezed, bandaged, and proceeded to gank him 4 times, each time waiting til he's about down to 30% while grinding a mob, and then stunlocking him to death. After that, I figured it was pretty much over, so I headed back to the nearby scryer town to sell off some crap and repair.
The pally actually followed me back to the town (which is neutral like Gadgetzan), so I proceed to Imp Sap Grief him (see this post for reference), and he gets pissed, and uses a Consecration to unstealth me. Well, this works, in that it unstealths me, but it doesn't work in that it causes all of the neutral Scryer guards to attack him, and BAM dead pally. I rofl at him, and eat his corpse and everything, and when he rezzes (the gy is like 30 seconds away), he tries to corner me right on the edge of scryerville with a stun. He had apparently misjudged the aggro range of the guards there, and they get him AGAIN.
The moral of the story kids is:
1) Holy Paladins just shouldn't engage in World PVP, particularly against vindictive Assassination-spec'd rogues.
2) Bendyr Rules, Pally Drools.
Dude, 3.5k+ crit!! Awesome! And yes, fuck the alliance.
BTW, I also notice you mentioned Warp lizards here. If any of you get Warped Flesh off of those guys, send it to me. I make delicious Warp Burgers which are uber.
woo, my cooking is finally high enuf for warp burgers also :D
...now my bags are full of food ^^; which reminds me, anyone want this squid? i don't know what i'm gonna do with it all (1 stack). man, i got sooo lucky on that. my cooking was at 281. i bought a stack of squid and started cooking. even with the recipe at yellow, somehow i squeaked out exactly 300. gyohoho
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