Thursday, August 30, 2007

A dangerous new meme...

Bel airing, Rickrolling, and facepalming are suddenly too on-the-nose... Is the new forum meme going to be South Carolining?

I personaly believe that the reason most combat rogues do not take blade twisting is because some rogues don't have weapons. I believe that these weapons such as warlock and the druid such as and I think the dagger rogues in wow should help the warlocks and the such as druids so we will be able to build up a better rogue comunnity.

Thank you for your candor.

Tuesday, August 28, 2007

A change of plans

So I got my Main Hand Arena weapon! I also respec'd Combat Maces, which is a more PVP oriented spec, since i'm not instancing as much as I used to. Hopefully this will work out better!

Wednesday, August 22, 2007

Uh, what should I do, guys?

So I've been planning on going towards 5/5 Beast Lord as we slowly rack up Arena points, but if I buy something soon, I'd say I'd get [Merciless Gladiator's Chain Gauntlets]

since they give the Multi-shot boost, and also since out of the three pieces of BL set, the gloves drop in SH, and I hate doing SH, while I actually like doing SV (where Kalithresh drops the other 2). So, that's if I wanna drop the points now.

But I'm also ignorant of all sorts of WoW stuff, including Arena ish. So assuming I get to carry my points over from S2 to S3, and assuming that there's a drop in price of S2 gear, and since there aren't a whole lot of weapon upgrades I can get from non-raid instances, I'd say maybe I'd save up and go for [Merciless Gladiator's Crossbow of the Phoenix]

So whadda you guys think?

Tuesday, August 21, 2007

merciless shield wall


[Merciless Gladiator's Shield Wall]

it is mine! now i just need an chant... think ima go for more shield block value for kicks...

i can now crit for ~1k with shield slam! gyohohohoho

Arena musings...

The ROFL went 5-5 again this week, which makes me think we've hit a kind of equilibrium around 1350. This may be about as well as we can expect to do until we get some better gear, or maybe touch up our spec's a bit. That being said, the points from this week should put me at about 2500 something, so I'm definitely going to get my [Merciless Gladiator's Shanker] next week, which should definitely make me a little more dangerous.

However, after reading all these people qqing about warlocks in arenas on the forum, I have to wonder if we're a weird group, or if 2v2 is just that different. I don't really think Warlocks give us that much grief. As we usually single them out as our primary targets, and they're cloth, we usually take them out before they can get a full dot rotation off (not counting those crazy tier 6 epix warlocks we somehow get matched with on occasion). As a rule, I think my "most hated" classes in our 2v2 games are:

  1. Paladins

  2. Hunters

  3. Mages

I wish that the arena would give us some breakdowns of the teams that we've lost against and their class makeups. Maybe I'll start jotting these down myself...

Saturday, August 11, 2007

Wot, no Arena Points?

So I'm flying to London today for work! I'll be there and in Edinburgh until next Sunday. Meef and I already got in our 5 games, so Cow, try to sync up with Meef and get the rest of the 10 games in before Tuesday. I am bringing my laptop to london, but i dunno how much I'll get to play, but in either case I'll be back next Sunday to get in my minimum 3 games for the following week. Woot!

Monday, August 06, 2007


The word on the street is that Season 3 weapons will actually require a specific arena rating to purchase (the number being thrown around is 1900). This was supposedly confirmed at blizzcon, but I haven't found a blue post to back it up... Still, it seems like it's happening.

Oh well, I guess now I don't have to agonize over whether or not to purchase the s2 dagger this late in the season.

UPDATE: Here's the exact quote from the wowinsider blizzcon transcript:
4:33pm: Because weapons aren't as distingushed against raid gear (players were raiding, and just doing arenas for the weapons), there's going to be a rating requirement to buy a weapon-- can't just save points, have to do well to get the weapon.

Argh, I feel like this punishes melee classes more than casters. For casters, weapons are really just glorified armor pieces. For melee classes, the arena weps are a significant dps boost over anything else that's accessible without raiding.

Thursday, August 02, 2007

/tar Other Blog; /cast Pickpocket; /cast Vanish

So, I was browsing some other wow blogs at work, and I saw this blogspot had javascript and css that was pretty cool for having mouseoverable wowhead links. I thought I'd use my crazy Rogue skills and ninja the code, so here we go:

[Stealther's Helmet of Second Sight]

[Merciless Gladiator's Shanker]

Hoping this works, if you want to include wow-links like this in the future, use this code:

<a href="" class="rare" onmouseover="showWowitem(event,31109);" onmouseout="hideWowitem();">[Stealther's Helmet of Second Sight]</a>

<a href="" class="epic" onmouseover="showWowitem(event,32044);" onmouseout="hideWowitem();"">[Merciless Gladiator's Shanker]</a>

Plug in a new link, item number, name, and class, and it should work!