Thursday, August 02, 2007

/tar Other Blog; /cast Pickpocket; /cast Vanish

So, I was browsing some other wow blogs at work, and I saw this blogspot had javascript and css that was pretty cool for having mouseoverable wowhead links. I thought I'd use my crazy Rogue skills and ninja the code, so here we go:

[Stealther's Helmet of Second Sight]

[Merciless Gladiator's Shanker]

Hoping this works, if you want to include wow-links like this in the future, use this code:

<a href="" class="rare" onmouseover="showWowitem(event,31109);" onmouseout="hideWowitem();">[Stealther's Helmet of Second Sight]</a>

<a href="" class="epic" onmouseover="showWowitem(event,32044);" onmouseout="hideWowitem();"">[Merciless Gladiator's Shanker]</a>

Plug in a new link, item number, name, and class, and it should work!


meef said...

swicrus maximus

Exanimo said...

It's not just those links is it? There is some script text aswell which i tried taking over from your blog and insert in the footer but still it doesnt work for me.
Did i mis something? Help appreciated ;)