Sunday, July 30, 2006


I added a new page to the meefipedia - upcoming bbqs (for some reason the link was underlined in red when i was looking at the main page, but clicking it still took me to the page correctly). inside you'll find a link to the calendar and lists of quests/things to do. If you're bored, feel free to add shit you want to get done to the list or add your name to things that you'd also like to get done.

btw, dunno bout you guys, but i thought that we had some excellent bbq action on saturday. instance clear + uber ralax enchants + some questing in searing gorge was eswet.


Alex said...

didn't you also get 2 blue items? hehe

InfoMofo said...

you got 2 blues PLUS the quest reward right? You ninja, you.

meef said...

hahah true, i did make out like a bandit. that's why we need to run more! so you guys can blue it up :P or purple! headmaster's charge, and other sorts of purple goodies drop more often now ^_^