Tuesday, January 31, 2006
Wailing Caverns... Check.
OK, well we didn't do any of the planned instances, but we did get a small group through WC (with my alt Manudder, a 20 Hunter). Aside from some minor connection problems... uh heh... it was cool... So... BFD next?
Monday, January 30, 2006
Guild holdup
To those who are concerned about the holdup on creating the guild: I lost some of the sigs for waiting so long. Also, I've barely been on over the last two weeks. If someone wants to take over that process, that'd be cool. If not, let's arrange some meetings so I can get sigs from you guys.
Friday, January 27, 2006
Uploading player information
When I get home tonight, I'm going to look into ways to export in-game character information to put on a web site. I know there is software out the for that.
Wednesday, January 25, 2006
RFK This Weekend?
Hey is anyone else up for Razorfen Kraul this weekend? I haven't done a single Horde instance yet, and i'm getting antsy. I think that there are easily 4 or 5 of us that could be level 30 by this weekend:
Bendyr (That's Sergeant Bendyr to you) - 29 Rogue (I'm about 400 xp from 30, I could easily be 31 or 32 by Friday if I want)
Dwightshroot - 29 Warlock
Gogol - 28 Druid
Meef - 26 Warrior
Is anyone else close to hitting 30 this weekend? We could even do a run through BFD first for ppl to catch up maybe?
There's a pretty good walkthrough for BFD and RFK at here and here.
Bendyr (That's Sergeant Bendyr to you) - 29 Rogue (I'm about 400 xp from 30, I could easily be 31 or 32 by Friday if I want)
Dwightshroot - 29 Warlock
Gogol - 28 Druid
Meef - 26 Warrior
Is anyone else close to hitting 30 this weekend? We could even do a run through BFD first for ppl to catch up maybe?
There's a pretty good walkthrough for BFD and RFK at here and here.
Monday, January 23, 2006
Just thought I'd post some useful addons I've come across...
Cooldown Count - shows the cooldown time remaining directly on the action buttons. Installation is a little awkward for this one -- i believe there is one main mod which you need, and then there's a bunch of separate ones to support other packages that do their own thing with button bars. So basically when you're on the character selection screen, click 'configure addons' or whatever it is, and just uncheck any of the ones that you don't have have.
Fishing Buddy - a buncha useful fishing things. easy cast - when a fishing rod is equiped, right click on water to cast! easy lures - if you have lures and one isn't currently applied, you will apply the lure instead of casting.
ctmod - a whole suite of addons, allong you to create extra button bars, move them wherever you want, disable artwork, etc. i believe it also includes a mob health mod, movable bags, and probably a dozen other things. they also make ct_raid, which is excellent for raiding.
if you have other mods you like/think are better, post 'em!
MobHealth 2 - The game only tells you how much health you have. Everybody else, friendly players, enemy players, and mobs' hit points are only displayed as a percentage. This mob estimates how much health an enemy has left by calculating what percent of health is changed by damage or healing. Very useful for your own internal calcuations. http://ui.worldofwar.net/ui.php?id=681
Titan Panel - Like CT mod, offers many useful things here and there, like computer performance tracking, and my favorite, and XP/hour calculation, which I use to be efficient as possible (I gotta make a time-consuming game less time-consuming!). I'm too lazy to find the link, but it's easily Googled due to its popularity.
That's all for now! I haven't been on much and probably won't because I'm getting into the swing of school and TR. But it's okay! I'm getting resting xp on three separate characters =).
Cooldown Count - shows the cooldown time remaining directly on the action buttons. Installation is a little awkward for this one -- i believe there is one main mod which you need, and then there's a bunch of separate ones to support other packages that do their own thing with button bars. So basically when you're on the character selection screen, click 'configure addons' or whatever it is, and just uncheck any of the ones that you don't have have.
Fishing Buddy - a buncha useful fishing things. easy cast - when a fishing rod is equiped, right click on water to cast! easy lures - if you have lures and one isn't currently applied, you will apply the lure instead of casting.
ctmod - a whole suite of addons, allong you to create extra button bars, move them wherever you want, disable artwork, etc. i believe it also includes a mob health mod, movable bags, and probably a dozen other things. they also make ct_raid, which is excellent for raiding.
if you have other mods you like/think are better, post 'em!
Edit by Julius:
Here are some that have become essential to me.
Scrolling Combat Text - You know how you get yellow and white numbers above mobs' heads when you damage them? Well, this mod adds red and purple text to damage done to you over your head when you get hit. It also displays beneficial and harmful spells and effects when they are appied to you. It's usefulness knows no bounds, and needs no explanation. http://ui.worldofwar.net/ui.php?id=75MobHealth 2 - The game only tells you how much health you have. Everybody else, friendly players, enemy players, and mobs' hit points are only displayed as a percentage. This mob estimates how much health an enemy has left by calculating what percent of health is changed by damage or healing. Very useful for your own internal calcuations. http://ui.worldofwar.net/ui.php?id=681
Titan Panel - Like CT mod, offers many useful things here and there, like computer performance tracking, and my favorite, and XP/hour calculation, which I use to be efficient as possible (I gotta make a time-consuming game less time-consuming!). I'm too lazy to find the link, but it's easily Googled due to its popularity.
That's all for now! I haven't been on much and probably won't because I'm getting into the swing of school and TR. But it's okay! I'm getting resting xp on three separate characters =).
Friday, January 20, 2006
I found the cooking recipe for the Deviate Delight (or something like that)!
For those who don't know what that is, the food turns you into a ninja or pirate, or other effects I haven't yet experienced, and the recipe is pretty rare, going for upwards of 8-10g in the auction house.
For those who don't know what that is, the food turns you into a ninja or pirate, or other effects I haven't yet experienced, and the recipe is pretty rare, going for upwards of 8-10g in the auction house.
Let's Get it Started (in here)
Hey, if we're going to be Steve's Korean BBQ, I think we should have a dog on our tabard.
I'm stumped as for color ideas though. Check out ign's tabard builder and icon gallery for the full list of what's available.

UPDATE: After some suggestions in the comments, this is a possibility for the tabard. Korean colors are too complex for the simple tabard designers, so we may have to go fusion on them and do chinese colors. The icon has been changed to the spicier dog, to allay J and Alex's concerns. Comments?
Thursday, January 19, 2006
Last night I got a mage to level 12 in three hours played... Didn't I say that I was an efficiency whore?
EDIT: Names of characters are:
Gogol: 28 Druid
Montagne: 42 Warrior
Elsie: 14 Mage
EDIT: Names of characters are:
Gogol: 28 Druid
Montagne: 42 Warrior
Elsie: 14 Mage
Tuesday, January 17, 2006
A Poll
How many people are still playing now that school has started?
My current status is this:
28 Druid (I had a druid on my old server, and honestly, I'm kinda burnt out on it. I did it because we needed a healing class)
41 Warrior (Before you say HOLY CRAP, note that I started this guy a month ago, and I stopped playing the druid so everyone else could catch up to it. Also, I did a lot of grinding in dual-wield spec, which seems to be the fastest way to go. Honestly, getting him to this level was a piece of cake, especially since I'm an efficiency whore, and got leveling down to a science on him.)
Right now I'm thinking of either starting a fresh character so I can catch up to the rest of you guys, or continue grinding my warrior, and helping you guys out with my high-ish level. I'm killing raptors at a little-known spot in Dustwallow Marsh, which drop heavy leather, which sell for 10-15s apiece, and after several hours of doing that, I'm filthy rich and can almost afford my mount.
With regards to school, it's starting out slowly. Awesomely, I'm able to fit in an hour or two a day of the game in the midst of Theatre Rice and studying, though once CT starts, I will be swamped.
My current status is this:
28 Druid (I had a druid on my old server, and honestly, I'm kinda burnt out on it. I did it because we needed a healing class)
41 Warrior (Before you say HOLY CRAP, note that I started this guy a month ago, and I stopped playing the druid so everyone else could catch up to it. Also, I did a lot of grinding in dual-wield spec, which seems to be the fastest way to go. Honestly, getting him to this level was a piece of cake, especially since I'm an efficiency whore, and got leveling down to a science on him.)
Right now I'm thinking of either starting a fresh character so I can catch up to the rest of you guys, or continue grinding my warrior, and helping you guys out with my high-ish level. I'm killing raptors at a little-known spot in Dustwallow Marsh, which drop heavy leather, which sell for 10-15s apiece, and after several hours of doing that, I'm filthy rich and can almost afford my mount.
With regards to school, it's starting out slowly. Awesomely, I'm able to fit in an hour or two a day of the game in the midst of Theatre Rice and studying, though once CT starts, I will be swamped.
Monday, January 16, 2006
Okie Doke
Julius here,
The login and password has been removed. I definitely know it's not a good idea to leave it there, but there wasn't much to lose at the moment anyway.
If you want to be put on as a contributor, post your email, I guess.
EDIT: It probably isn't a good idea for you to post your email here either if some spammers catch it. I guess just email it to me, if you know my email. GARR! I dunno.
The login and password has been removed. I definitely know it's not a good idea to leave it there, but there wasn't much to lose at the moment anyway.
If you want to be put on as a contributor, post your email, I guess.
EDIT: It probably isn't a good idea for you to post your email here either if some spammers catch it. I guess just email it to me, if you know my email. GARR! I dunno.
Sunday, January 15, 2006
Adding other users to this blog
Hi, meef here. You can give other people access to post by going to Settings -> Members, and adding people to the list. You put in their e-mail, they get a link to click on, and then they have to sign in with their blogger account. Once they've accepted the invitation, they can post to the blog. I've taken the liberty of adding myself to the list (using the login you supplied).
I would be hesitant to put the name/pass for this account in a post open to the public like that... all it takes is one malicious user to come in and change the password. However, this is not my blog, and I am just a friend of a friend so I leave that up to the rest of you.
In Azeroth, I'm still lvl 24, as I've been working on my main lately (a priest on the khadgar server). Are people playing more? Are we gonna start getting some groups together? Let me know.
I would be hesitant to put the name/pass for this account in a post open to the public like that... all it takes is one malicious user to come in and change the password. However, this is not my blog, and I am just a friend of a friend so I leave that up to the rest of you.
In Azeroth, I'm still lvl 24, as I've been working on my main lately (a priest on the khadgar server). Are people playing more? Are we gonna start getting some groups together? Let me know.
What up?
Hey all, I haven't been on very much in the past weeks. Is there some sort of functionality in this blog software that lets others post? I want other people to be able to add posts, so here's the login for this blog:
Since probably nobody unsavory reads this, it's okay for me to give this out.
Post whenever!
P.S. I haven't made the guild yet, and am only one signature away. I haven't made it due to Rick's concern about the name Steves Korean BBQ.
Since probably nobody unsavory reads this, it's okay for me to give this out.
Post whenever!
P.S. I haven't made the guild yet, and am only one signature away. I haven't made it due to Rick's concern about the name Steves Korean BBQ.
Friday, January 06, 2006
Making the guild soon
Looks like "Steves Korean BBQ" is the most popular name right now. If you are entirely against it, then say so now. Otherwise, I'm doing it.
Thursday, January 05, 2006
Two things:
1. I am going to create a guild named "Theatre Rice." That way we can have a guild chat, which would make things much easier. I still need to collect signatures, which I'll do from random people tomorrow.
2. The new patch brought the new instance dungeon that needs resources to be opened up, making the auction house prices for certain items INSANE. The hot items right now are wool cloth, copper ore and bars, and tin ore and bars. If you are not highly invested in a profession, I highly recommend that you pick up mining for awhile and get all the ore you can. You will not regret it. If you're the appropriate level to fight wool-dropping monsters, it would be good to level that way.
Take advantage of the high prices while you can! I don't know how long it will last, and it might move onto other items. Get all the wool, copper, and tin you can! Our guild needs all the funds we can get.
1. I am going to create a guild named "Theatre Rice." That way we can have a guild chat, which would make things much easier. I still need to collect signatures, which I'll do from random people tomorrow.
2. The new patch brought the new instance dungeon that needs resources to be opened up, making the auction house prices for certain items INSANE. The hot items right now are wool cloth, copper ore and bars, and tin ore and bars. If you are not highly invested in a profession, I highly recommend that you pick up mining for awhile and get all the ore you can. You will not regret it. If you're the appropriate level to fight wool-dropping monsters, it would be good to level that way.
Take advantage of the high prices while you can! I don't know how long it will last, and it might move onto other items. Get all the wool, copper, and tin you can! Our guild needs all the funds we can get.
Wednesday, January 04, 2006
We need a name
That's the only thing that's stopping us from making the guild now is consensus on a name. Do we just want plain "Theatre Rice" or some Warcraft pun on it, or something entirely different? Comment with your thoughts; I don't have much of an opinion right now.
I've returned from vacation! As of now I have a level 21 druid, and a 29 warrior (which I made because I didn't want to level my druid too fast).
If you're still around, post your level!
If you're still around, post your level!
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