Monday, January 23, 2006


Just thought I'd post some useful addons I've come across...

Cooldown Count - shows the cooldown time remaining directly on the action buttons. Installation is a little awkward for this one -- i believe there is one main mod which you need, and then there's a bunch of separate ones to support other packages that do their own thing with button bars. So basically when you're on the character selection screen, click 'configure addons' or whatever it is, and just uncheck any of the ones that you don't have have.

Fishing Buddy - a buncha useful fishing things. easy cast - when a fishing rod is equiped, right click on water to cast! easy lures - if you have lures and one isn't currently applied, you will apply the lure instead of casting.

ctmod - a whole suite of addons, allong you to create extra button bars, move them wherever you want, disable artwork, etc. i believe it also includes a mob health mod, movable bags, and probably a dozen other things. they also make ct_raid, which is excellent for raiding.

if you have other mods you like/think are better, post 'em!

Edit by Julius:

Here are some that have become essential to me.

Scrolling Combat Text - You know how you get yellow and white numbers above mobs' heads when you damage them? Well, this mod adds red and purple text to damage done to you over your head when you get hit. It also displays beneficial and harmful spells and effects when they are appied to you. It's usefulness knows no bounds, and needs no explanation.

MobHealth 2 - The game only tells you how much health you have. Everybody else, friendly players, enemy players, and mobs' hit points are only displayed as a percentage. This mob estimates how much health an enemy has left by calculating what percent of health is changed by damage or healing. Very useful for your own internal calcuations.

Titan Panel - Like CT mod, offers many useful things here and there, like computer performance tracking, and my favorite, and XP/hour calculation, which I use to be efficient as possible (I gotta make a time-consuming game less time-consuming!). I'm too lazy to find the link, but it's easily Googled due to its popularity.

That's all for now! I haven't been on much and probably won't because I'm getting into the swing of school and TR. But it's okay! I'm getting resting xp on three separate characters =).

1 comment:

InfoMofo said...

CCWatch - Announces what temporary buffs and debuffs are on your target, with a timer. Great for seeing visually exactly when that frost nova is going to wear off, or when that paladin's perception is up.

Auctioneer - Retains a history of auction house prices, which lets you both decide optimal prices for auctioning stuff, as well as deciding between two unusuable quest rewards.

AutoProfit - Well, this one is just a lazy thing, but it's nice. It adds a button to any vendor window that automatically sells any vendor trash (grey items or poor/common items that you can't use).