Thursday, January 05, 2006


Two things:

1. I am going to create a guild named "Theatre Rice." That way we can have a guild chat, which would make things much easier. I still need to collect signatures, which I'll do from random people tomorrow.

2. The new patch brought the new instance dungeon that needs resources to be opened up, making the auction house prices for certain items INSANE. The hot items right now are wool cloth, copper ore and bars, and tin ore and bars. If you are not highly invested in a profession, I highly recommend that you pick up mining for awhile and get all the ore you can. You will not regret it. If you're the appropriate level to fight wool-dropping monsters, it would be good to level that way.

Take advantage of the high prices while you can! I don't know how long it will last, and it might move onto other items. Get all the wool, copper, and tin you can! Our guild needs all the funds we can get.


Alex said...

for those in the mid 20s the dwarven camp in south barrens has mobs that drop wool. I'm gonna stop making wool items and start farming!!!!!!!!

Alex said...

man ... I still vote for Steve's Korean BBQ

meef said...


Rick Kitagawa said...

Hi hi,

Sorry, but my mom had surgery yesterday, so I'll be in Stockton taking care of her, and thus will have no internet until the start of school almost :( If I get back to Berk earlier, I'll level like crazy.

Happy holidays, and don't wait up for me!

jesse said...

yo, sorry for the long period of silence... i think my shaman is 20 (im not sure for ive taken the low road and asked my bf to play for me while im in the land of NO-WOW ^^.. but he's nice, right, those of you who have encountered him?) btw wtf the patch is out already?? i feel so ancient! damnation! and oh yeah, my skills are herb and alchemy.. is that still good or should i start farming copper??

jesse said...

sorry this is kinda late, but it just came to me... what about naming the guild "Asian Ghetto"?

InfoMofo said...

I have like 20g now (although I have to buy some rogue skills, which will knock off a couple g). Just a note for you miners out there- the smelted bars sell much better than the ore, which is not normally the case. The economist in me guesses that this is presumably because there are buyers out there that just want to raise their rep with certain factions and are buying any of the key items.