Friday, January 20, 2006


I found the cooking recipe for the Deviate Delight (or something like that)!

For those who don't know what that is, the food turns you into a ninja or pirate, or other effects I haven't yet experienced, and the recipe is pretty rare, going for upwards of 8-10g in the auction house.


InfoMofo said...

y'know, i fish in those lakes in the barrens all the time, and I never catch the deviate fish.

Anyway, when are you gonna create the guild?

meef said...

i love deviate delights! great for raids. fish in the pools in front of the wailing caverns... i think i was getting like 25% deviates. or inside the caverns is also good, but obviously a little more hassle to get to.

Alex said...

are you selling it? or keeping it?

Alex said...

oh yeah btw, I spent all my spare time this weekend fishing and cooking, my cooking is up to 225. Yes, I am insane.

InfoMofo said...

Y'know what, i think i was fishing in the wrong area. I went back to the forgotten pools and I got tons of the fish.