Friday, June 23, 2006

almost 45

the murlocs in the swamp of sorrows have met my wrath.

not sure if we're the right level to be getting any of these, but you may want to check the markets for:

ironweb spider silk
living essence

high level cloth wearing raiders will needs these mats if they are working on their nr, so it may be a good time to sell this stuff if you happen to have any (and if it is indeed a good time to sell, the same is probably true for the mats for leather/mail/plate nr gear too... you can check this stuff on the cenarion circle rep page at the official site)

in addition, nexus crystals and arcane crystals are needed for naxx attunement, but i doubt any of us have spares laying around ^^;


InfoMofo said...

Rogues looking for NR will probably go for Bramblewood Helm and Sylvan Vest, both of which use Living Essence and Wildvine. Bramblewood Boots are also good, which require Larval Acid. I wish I'd grabbed some wildvine last week, I didn't think about it.

meef said...

before ya stock up on wildvine - i think it's actually bloodvine, which drops off trash in zg.

InfoMofo said...

Ah, good catch there.