Sunday, June 18, 2006


No comments on my last post. Is everyone playing kind of regularly? It's Julius, by the way. So it seems you guys are all about the level of my warrior. But we dont really have a healer now, right? I might have to make the priest and grind grind grind. I work full-time now, but am free after that for the most part.


Alex said...

Rick's out of the country ... I've been a little busy, but the rest of us should be playing ... we have a shaman friend playing (occasionally)

InfoMofo said...

I have been playing a lot, but since most other ppl have been pretty busy, I've been lingering at 49 for the Battlegrounds. I'm a 1st Sergeant and I'm almost revered with the Outriders!

I also made a druid alt that I was considering leveling up and making him resto spec'd, but I find leveling him extremely tedious. I have to drink water after about every single battle! Maybe that will get better after I get cat form?

InfoMofo said...

Oh, and welcome back!

InfoMofo said...

UGH, and every time I go to Moonglade, some level 60 asshole Moonfires me! People are camping Moonglade now?

meef said...

yo, saw your priest was up to lvl 6 by the time i logged last night heheh. soon... healing!!! then we'll all be invincible

hmm drinking after every battle? is your bear melee terribly crappy? normally i burn my mana, then use bear form until my mana has regened. 'course my druid is craptacular, so who knows heheh. much as i hate ganking, the thought of a low level druid getting moonfired to death in moonglade made me laugh. moonfire is just so... absurd ^^;

InfoMofo said...

Sorry I meant Starfire.

I don't get the point of those "neutral towns in contested areas". If they don't want people ganking there, why don't they give honor penalties for killing there?

I do the same thing, but grinding in bear form is soooo slow. I do so much more damage by entangling and then wrathing... I usually have the baddies down to 10% by the time they make it into melee range. Maybe I should just use some of my Bendyr money to buy my druid massive intellect and spirit gear?

Rick Kitagawa said...

When you have access to bear but not cat form, it's probably more efficient to mix nuking in with bear form. It's been awhile since I've played a druid of that level, but i think an efficient attack would be like wrath, wrath, moonfire, bear form, and stay in bear until mana is regenned.

And yeah, it gets much better once you get cat form. Once you get the full ambush skills, you can fight without any downtime whatsoever. Just cat form, and pop out for a heal when you need it.

My priest is now up to level 9. Hopefully I can get it to 11 or 12 today!