Monday, June 05, 2006

i have returned! well, actually i got back on wednesday, but my body is all out of whack. i was barely able to raid >< on the bright side i picked up some [shimmering geta] and a [shroud of pure thought].

i'm slowly getting back to things, hopefully i'll be on meef soon. how are y'all doing? lvl 50? 60? uberness? gankdom?


Alex said...

46, ready for some instancing. Where's Julius?

InfoMofo said...

48, but only because i've been holding back from doing PUGs. Instances don't feel right unless [Meef] is chastising me in /party.

However, I've been pvping like a mofo, so I think I might be a First Sergeant on Tuesday! BTW, J, seeing the major diss they're giving the old High Warlords with this 1.11 patch, I've revised my long term goal of ever doing PVP beyond, say, Stone Guard level or so...

I am also down for the crazy instancing. RFD? Mara? Ulda?

I know I can get some crazy gear in Mara (Thrash Blade, that Trinket, some random mob that drops good Leather Armor), but Ulda would be cool to so we can turn Alex into an enchantment factory.

meef said...

sexcellent. is julius supposed to be coming back? and rick is out of the country now?

with your guys' levels we could easily battle our way to the enchanter guy with a healer. without one... hmm well, we might make it without one if we can defeat the obsidian guy... we might just try it if ya want -- the hardest guy is right at the entrance so we can even zone if it doesn't work.

InfoMofo said...

I think Rick is out of the country now, or at the very least he's /afk cause he was moving starting the 1st or so.

Anyway, if we are ever on at the same time, we should do the Ulda backdoor for Alex (and maybe any simple quests that are in the same area?)

On the other fronts, I'm slivers of experience away from 49; I did a quick BG last night and I actually think i'm 400xp from dinging- it was hella late, but I was still tempted to just run outside and kill a turtle or something... I'm just about exactly half-way to revered with the Outrider faction in WSG, so I still need a ton of BGs to get the uber bow and sword. It'll be pretty sweet, though. Getting to revered with Outriders basically ensures that I'll never have to really worry about my weapons until I hit level 60.

Rick Kitagawa said...

Wooot! You guys are back! I'm in a hotel in SF right now, and am down to do an instance run, but sadly, I'm afk most of the evenings, as I am an unemployed bum, I am playing during the daytime hours. But keep on leveling, and I must say how crappy PUG groups are.

But, I just hit 47, and will update if there is an evening where I'd be free to run something with you guys.

Also, is it possible to go run weaksauce instances later (like hit up Ulda and RFD when I'm 50) just to pick up the loot? Cuz then I won't hold back and will do my best to grind like bendyr itching for the ability to use new gear.

InfoMofo said...

Hmm, I was reading the 1.11 patch notes and I may not be done with my warsong grinding at revered. I had written off grinding to exalted at the moment because the bracers didn't seem that cool, but they're adding new epic pants! I'm not as much of a whore about armor as I am weapons, but doesn't it just sound cool? EPIC PANTS! Note to self, that's not a bad band name.

Yeah, I was supposed to do a PUG for Mara last week, and I seriously waited in Desolace for 40 minutes while these other two people were waiting for their guildies to show up. It ended up that they were in WSG... I just hate PUGs. Rick, you should just grind like crazy and if we happen to be on at the same time we'll all do an instance. We can definitely do Easy-Mode instance runs later on.

BTW, did you win the auction on that sick bow?

Rick Kitagawa said...

Sadly, I did not. And yes, PUG suck. I will grind like crazy, and hopefully ding at 48 tonight...

Sadly, I just realized that this will probably be the last time I'm on until August. Good luck, and I'll catch up with all of you at lv. 60 soon.