just summore random bbq happenings...
cow took kotonoha on a quick tour of sfk and sm graveyard. no torturing poker, but i did score some
watchman pauldrons!

cow also got kotonoha her poisons! woooo!

later i was goofing off in the sm graveyard also...

today i actually ran shadow labs twice. both times were with members of the strange box guild... though strangely enuf with different members each time. they're good folks and we mopped up the place. leggings of assassination dropped twice, but no bold in sight. oh well, completed the quests and got a fat wad of cash out of it.

my questing in shadowmoon has been slow but steady... unfortunately i'm again left with a huge chunk of group quests... where are you bbqers? :P

i hate fighting elementals so much. damn unmitigated damage. well, i guess in that respect earth elementals are ok... but lotsa them have other annoying abilities -_- knockdownsplitupondeath bastards...

also ran botanica a while back... again, no bold armor, but it was fun to get to know the instance.

slowly climbing toward my epic mount. at this rate maybe i'll have it by winter... ^^;;;
if you're looking for bbq activity:
--meef needs group questing help and/or any bc instance run. and be sure to lemme know if you need a run to gear up an alt or somethin.
--kotonoha could really use a new dagger. a torturing poker would be nice (boss in sm graveyard, 5% drop, but it will prolly take only about 3-5 minutes per attempt). swinetusk shank from rfk would also be a nice offhand upgrade.
--nayuki could use a couple runs thru sfk :D