Then tonight, after a delayed real-world event that kept me off the comp for nearly the entire day, I managed to scrounge up enough dough to go shopping. It was a tough decision to pick a color for the flying mount, but alas, one have to make tough decisions sometimes.

Weeeeeee!!!!!!!!! No more having to run all the way around stupid terrain anymore! The Cow is airborne!

woo hoo! now we're just a healer short of a solid instance group :D
is hallisy still in the guild? i didn't see his name in the roster last time i logged.
ah well, grats again on 70 and your mount. now we all just have to farm our brains out for epic mounts! ^_^ well, at least that's my goal ^^;
Hey if either of you logs on tonight, we have to get our six games in tonight or we lose our games so far!
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