So, if you saw me on sometime in the last two days and I totally ignored you, don't take it personally. I've just been singlemindedly grinding engineering ever since the patch hit, and between last minute desperate mining runs and humiliating defeats at the Auction House, I finally scraped together all the mats to get [Deathblow X-11 Goggles], my first crafted epic!. It's kind of atrocious that I went through all that and wouldn't spring for the Blue gem... but after dropping over 400g on the mats for my helm, spending another 70 on the Jagged Talasite seemed too painful...
Here's a screenshot of how it looks on me, plus my new sexy ACE gui.

So, since that whole thing I need to do some quests to get my finances back in order. I'm out of the country for the long weekend (AMSTERDAM, BABY), but I definitely want to start doing the prereqs for Ogri'La and Shatari Skyguard, as I can get an awesome trinket and bracers from them. As always, Black Morass and Shadow Labs runs I need muchly. The new 70 lock can help a lot in both cases; Locks can Offtank in Black Morass and their CC will make clearing that nasty room in Shadow Labs a lot easier.
zomg grats! now we need to getcha that dagger :P
man, i was in a pretty good group for ohb last nite. well, after we finally got started that is (first priest went afk, had to replace, took >1 hour to get started). i guess my tanking/gear has improved a little - i was tanking 3 mobs no problem. i guess it helped that the dps wasn't stupid and focused on a single target (they were, after all, same guild). alas, not a single piece of tanking equipment or plate dropped. hell, and not only no plate, not a single dps drop! ughhghghhg. on the bright side i'm now honored with kot. 12k till awesome leggings!
KoT has a lot of nice tanking stuff as I recall. The helmet glyph is also tanking related, innit?
I heard that OHB is a lot easier in 2.1, as the mage polymorph was reduced significantly. Haven't had time to check it out myself yet.
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