Wednesday, January 04, 2006

We need a name

That's the only thing that's stopping us from making the guild now is consensus on a name. Do we just want plain "Theatre Rice" or some Warcraft pun on it, or something entirely different? Comment with your thoughts; I don't have much of an opinion right now.


InfoMofo said...

It's too bad that Blizzard didn't create a transparent, unavoidably offensive pastiche of Asians as a race like they did for Native Americans and Jamaicans. Cross your fingers, maybe the Blood Elves will drive their mounts poorly and automatically refuse Auction House items over 1g.

On that note, my suggestion for the guild name would be "Pandarans", if I ditn' already suspect that it is taken.

InfoMofo said...

No sorry, make that "Pandaren Express".

InfoMofo said...

doh! i'm an unoriginal idiot, they did that for april fool's apparently. In that case I would try "Shitty Wok", but i'm pretty sure that violates some obscure policy. I'm out of ideas.

Alex said...

I vote on "Pandaren Express", "Steve's Korean BBQ", or "TheatreRice"

meef said...

omg steve's korean bbq ftw

InfoMofo said...

I don't even know what Steve's Korean BBQ is, but I like it.

I had another idea, partially based on Walter's callsign. We're all on the "evil" side and we're asian. We could be "Charlie".