Tuesday, September 25, 2007

Arena points ftl

Sadly, after using the new arena point calculator, it'll still be the same amount of time to get my epic crossbow whether we drop to 1300 or jump up to 1500. Crazy, huh? Not to say I'll be slacking off in any arena, but it makes me feel better about having the worst win/loss record on the team.

BTW, has anyone tried the new voice chat yet?


meef said...

alas, i didn't care enuf about it to make a character on one of the enabled realms... dragonmaw wasn't on the list last i checked, right?

InfoMofo said...

voice chat is not on dmaw yet, but I do have a toon on Uldamann, which was supposed to have it, but it apparently didn't get turned on. Supposedly it'll be some time today. If I get a chance to play on that server I'll let you know how it goes.

I was able to take a video with the new video capture tool, although it's just because i was trapped as a chicken for two minutes due to an engineering backfire and I didn't have much else to do. I'll see if I can put that on youtube later today...