Friday, March 24, 2006

I Require More Vespene Gas

Well, no actually I just require a new sword. I've been sitting on my weapon quest for a couple levels now, and was hoping to actually finish it soon. WHIRLWIND SWORD! Unfortunately, soloing it is pretty daunting, so help is much appreciated. Here's what I have left to do:

1) Go to Stranglethorn Vale (UGH) and collect 29 more Bloodscalp Tusks (from the trolls slightly north of Grom'gol)
2) Go to the Arathi Highlands and slay elementals to get charms. I currently need thundering and... either cresting or burning I forget. These mobs are 38-40, and Arathi is probably crawling with alliance.
3) Once I have those, I need to slay a 40 elite boss guy I think. This will definitely not be possible without a party.

Come one, come all, to uberdom and beyond!


InfoMofo said...

Ugh, you warriors with your special quests make me sick. Why can't I get any spiffy maces from quests? You know when my next Rogue specific quest is? Lv. 52.

Bitterness aside, I'd be up for helping you with the Arathi Highlands, as I need to farm some Elemental Fire off of those bastards to make cool guns. Maybe we can head off there after SM tomorrow.

Alex said...

ok you bastards, I'm down for SM tomorrow. Not going to the San Jose toy show and the AAFF isn't until after dinner.

meef said...

w00t! soulstones and healthstones ftw

btw, shall i make some strong troll blood pots? they're only 6 hp/5sec, but i don't have the recipe for anything better ><

Alex said...

umm I have two from the last instance from the guy there ... are we going healerless then?

What lvl are you bastards?