Wednesday, March 22, 2006

The race begins

Today, I'm going to start the priest. Because leveling up is so damn boring, and even more so with slow-levelers like priests, I'm going to try to do it as fast as possible. I'll keep editing this post for awhile reporting how long it takes me to get to each level. Let's see how fast I can hit 20!


InfoMofo said...

Go Julius!

Alex and I were brainstorming what we could do to help a new character powerlevel. All I could come up with is you can have Alex send you slik bags and cloth armor. I think I can send you hella dynamite when you're level 10. However, given the baffling speed with which you leveled your other characters, it shouldn't be much of an issue.

BTW, are you still disenchanting on any of your characters? I have some random greens that won't auction too well, and are barely worth vendoring. Should I send them somewhere?

InfoMofo said...

Oh, I can also have my leatherworking hunter send you some medium armor kits or something.

What's your priest's name?

meef said...

just keep melting faces until you're level 60. :P

Alex said...

Will ... you know that he also has a lvl 10^6 warrior with a bunch of money and probably also has mageweave or better bags don't you?

InfoMofo said...

oh rite. i guess that's not an issue then; our brainstorming was more for getting a new 'cruit up to speed. julius prolly hit the ground running.

Alex said...

man ... this is very OT ... but there is some really bad Emo music out there ... Hawthorne Heights ... barf.

InfoMofo said...

Speaking of which, this vgcats strip made me think of you.

Warlocks are sooo emo. They drain their own life for their spells. They spend a lot of time draining the souls of their enemies. They summon animals that later turn on them and try to eat them. All you need is a macro for "/yell You don't understand my pain!"

Rick Kitagawa said...

I deleted my mage. I will be disenchanting with Elsie (same name as before), my new priest. I was planning to start last night, but I had to reinstall WoW (I'm using a different laptop than before), and I had some patching issues. I'm going to start right after I finish patching this sucka.

Also, don't worry about helping me out. We could though, think about how to get Jesse and possibly Joanne (Mircalla) up to speed quickly.