Since we were so high, not much of a challenge, but at least we got quests done and a couple blues drops.

Murloc bulgogi anyone?

Next morning was the Scarlet Monastery. After a little questing detour we got underway with a random 29 priest. Dwightshroot walked away with an Illusionary Rod! Alas I was too preoccurpied to take screenshots ><
Afterwards we went to Tarren Mill and finished off Cyclonian. Finally the Whirlwind Sword is mine!

Next we did a little farming in Arathi and now Dwight has a Robe of Power!
Things went pretty smooth, although I hope I wasn't ordering people around too much ^^; Anyhow good times, and not bad turn out. Bendyr, Dwight, and Cowchan were all there, hope to get a healer next time for some 100% Korean BBQ goodness.
You forgot to mention that because of the ridiculously long quest chain we did, I now wield the Wildstorm Hammer. It's not as blue as the weapons you guys got, but it gets the job done.
For the record, I don't think you were ordering us around too much at all. Speaking for myself at least, I have almost no instance experience, so all the guidance is appreciated. For all intents and purposes, I'm a mob-sapping, chest-unlocking robot at your disposal.
Anyway, I've been playing around with macros and I suggest a universal taunt for the Undead among us, to be used immediately after killing an Alliance member.
/script Cannibalize (Racial)
/say MMM... BBQ FTW!
I'm looking into how to yell something so that it comes across as "B B Q F T W" or something to the allies, but as far as I can tell nothing translates as "Q" or "W". I'll let you know after I do more research.
Yeah, you're the lvl 60 master J, so we'll take all the advice you can give. But I'm glad you were aware that you might across that way.
Ugh someone give me a macro tutorial so I can assist more easily.
I'm a little sad my dps is no where near Bendyr's but I suppose a warlock's job is not DPS. It's to TORTURE MOBS WITH UNRELENTING CURSES!! ... Ahem ... anyway, I'm forgoing +dmg talents for now to pump up my imp and healtstones for instance runs. I hope the +stam from blood pact is helping.
Ich bin ein Macronewbie auch, but so far I've made the aforementioned cannibalize macro, a macro that has me eat whatever is in a certain bag location and then stealth (did you know that rogues could do that?), and then a macro that applies poisons at certain bag locations to my weapons. Definitely a timesaver in WSG.
I guess the macro that J was talking about before would be something like
/assist {Main Attacker}
/script {Your main opening move}
if i have some time, i'm planning to write a little guide/list of tips for instancing. i've found that when we're finally up and running people are anxious to get going... trying to explain pulling strategy and positioning and such as we go has proven difficult. hopefully i can get it up before we go on our next run, since i'm hoping to do something actually challenges us a little.
also, my instancing experience is fairly limited to the healer point of view, so please let me know if things don't make sense or are just plain dumb.
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