Friday, March 24, 2006

My WSG addiction has resurfaced with a passion

If our runaway Shamans needed any further convincing, they should come check out Warsong Gulch. I spent some time last night in the 30-39 range and the Horde won all five times I played. The difference? Shamans. When you're lower than lv. 40, nothing is better than the Shaman Ghost Wolf for running the flag back and forth. Even in Melee, the 10x10 combat scenarios really benefit from the totems and such. The paly's benefits are so localized to himself and don't help his speed that the Horde has a huge advantage in 20-29 and 30-39 WSG.

WSG is just so kickass. Even though as a rogue I have no AOE, it still is cool to have your own specialized role (namely, stealthing in and squishing the other team's flag carrier during standoffs). And the Horde rocks WSG so hard it's not even a contest. Each gulch nets me 1500 xp, about 25 honor kills on average, and maybe 100 reputation with the Outriders. This week is a battlegrounds holiday in WSG, so you get double rep and honor there; other than the SM library run on Saturday morning, I'm planning on just doing WSG until Tuesday or so. If it weren't for the cost of poisons, flash powder, and armor repairs, I would just stay there.

1 comment:

meef said...