Wednesday, March 08, 2006

Ridiculous Latency

OK, so I finally had some time to play last night and when I tried to log on (around 9PM east coast time), I had huge latency (like over 1000). I even shut off all my bittorrent downloads on other computers in the network and checked my bandwidth speed using third-party website tools, and my connection was fine. It was completely unusable- I felt like I was getting hit with Frostbolts every five seconds. Frostbolts that stack! Argh! Isn't server performance supposed to be at its peak on Tuesdays, when they've just bounced?

1 comment:

meef said...

must've been a dragonmaw specific thing. i was farming with my hunter on khadgar no problem. my khadgar warlock is 38 now! 2 levels until horse!!! gyarrrrrrrrrrrr