First I finally bought my mount. Though you actually don't get to name your mount like Hunter pets, I've decided that my horse's name is "Mr. Dead".
Second, I got my gnome engineering card, and I made some toys. My favorite ones are the Death Ray and Shrink Ray, which I alternate during their 5 min cooldowns...
The Death Ray usually allows me a one-hit kill every 5 minutes. Unfortunately, it also does a good amount of damage to me, so if I get an unexpected add I could die. Still, a lot of fun. I actually used this to get a one-hit kill on a Warlock, but I forgot to get a screenshot.
The Shrink Ray usually shrinks your opponent, reducing his attack power by 250. It also has a chance to grow you, which is actually better because you can take on multiple bad guys with about an extra 80 attack power. The "backfire" effect means that you yourself gets shrunk (and lose 250 attack power temporarily), but this seems like a pretty rare occurence, and I can always gouge, vanish, or blind, and wait for it to wear off. Also a lot of fun.
Can't wait to try these bad boys out in battlegrounds.
teh sexay! i have a shrink ray on my khadgar hunter and i swear the damn thing shrinks me like 33% of the time. however, when it grows my "party," the attack boost on my pet + bestial wrath is super uber
i *still* don't have a damn death ray on that character >< i should get on that shit...
Death Ray is freaking bomb. Not only is it basically an easy pve kill every 5 minutes, but I also keep it equipped when I'm paranoid about getting ganked. If I can get a blind off, I actually have a decent chance to kill someone higher than me with Death Ray, as it ignores armor and can do up to 4900 dmg if it crits.
UGH... Speaking of gankage, I unwisely advised Gralax to come grind thieves in Tanaris, as they drop obscene amounts of mageweave. BAD IDEA. It was like an alliance gank-party in Gadgetzan. All of the major pvp-invincible-archetypes were there. The AOE caster on top of the bank that the Goblins can't reach, The Hunter who feigns death every five seconds, etc. Then, this crazy ?? Warrior followed us out of Gadgetzan and CAMPED OUR CORPSES for at least 20 minutes. We just gave up and logged off eventually, because it was just ridiculous.
I really don't see the point of Gadgetzan, in general. If they actually want it to be a city where horde and alliance have to get along they should make the bruisers actually do something. Or add Tesla Coils everywhere.
Oh, btw, I grinded (ground?) up to lv. 42 yesterday. I'm only 2 levels away from my kickass sword!!! I'm gonna stick to the ogres in Feralas as 1) They're super close to the camp mojache, 2) They're super far from gadgetzan. Which is just evil.
ugh that gadgetzan crap sounds terrible. btw, if someone is on top of a building in a neutral city where the guards can't attack them, report them to a gm. that's illegal behavior (at least in BB, although i don't see why it wouldn't apply to other goblin cities) so if you're lucky you might be able to at least get the guy a temporary ban :P
but yeah, sounds like you had more trouble on your hands than a roof caster ^^;
argh i'm so far behind now!
btw I think you can report roof campers who attack from there to GMs and they can be booted.
oh yes ... fein death over and over again is bullshit ... I swear to god ... doing that in a neutral city is so much crap!
But the guy who was camping us wasn't even a hunter. He was a warrior, and I couldn't do anything to get away. He saw through vanish, resisted blind, and even if I was able to get on my mount he would intercept stun me...
It was fucking awful. Next time I'll just take the res sickness and hearth the fuck out of there.
Man, that's some jacked up shit. Congrats on grinding to 42...I feel so behind now!
Nah, don't worry about it. I'm just going to grind like a madman to 44 and then take it easy once I have my kickass sword. I need to run around a bunch of places and buy weird engineering recipes; and then i'm gonna play BG a bit, so I'm thinking my xp rate will slow a lot when I hit 44.
I need to grind to 42 for my deathcoil ... MWAHAHAHA.
Then I need to grind to 45 for Shadowburn. Then it's time for some BG 0wnage!!!11!! PWN!
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