Monday, April 24, 2006


The Mage

Of all the classes in wow that exist,
one right now seems to surely be pissed
We rolled a mage becasue magic is FUN
when all we really do, is conjure a drink and a bun

We got into mage and at first it was cool
we had not 1 but 3 choices of magic school
The fire would burn, with a deadly dps
The ice would freeze, making people move less
and the arcane of course would give us clear cast

Times have now changed and we sit wondering "why?"
all we can do is conjure and cry
we have too little life and our armor does not exist
and now many people just seem to resist

So when you see a mage who looks very sad
all you have to say is its not all that bad
you can still group with us we wont let you become dead
as long as you make us some water and bread...doh!

this was ninja'd from the wow forums:


Alex said...

sometimes I wonder if the mage in WoW was screwed because of fear they'd become a Sorc-like beast from D2

meef said...

heheheh i can picture it now. 40 mages casting frost orb, doing back to back mc runs.