HAHA I got my horse ... and it was free
[edit] Oh yeah I can make mageweave bags ... send me mageweave. I'll be farming some in Feralas while also getting my fishing / cooking up to 300 because I'm insane.
The official blog of Steves Korean BBQ, a Guild on Dragonmaw.
... unless that horse is a corpse, of course.
Woohoo! BBQ rides tonight! Jase, you better step it up because we're not gonna be waiting around for your walking ass. At some point intercept rushing just don't cut it.
zomg you guys are all mounted now?! GRATS! and SHEEBUS! my sorry ass is still level 38! and 60g shy! heh. dammnit i can't wait until i'm done moving...
mebbe i'll have to put in some late night grinding/farming ^^;
lesseee is it 4 bolts per bag? or 5? or more? i can't remember. i.e. 1 stack of cloth or 1.25 stack or wha? ^_^ i need'em bag space. ooo and i need a damn herb gathering bag.
those are from ... furbolgs is it? it's a liiittle far away (8-10lvls), but everyone should remember to NEVER kill a timbermaw furbolg. or you'll regret it when you're trying to rep grind for recipes/make it to winterspring ^_^;
4 bolts per bag, 5 cloth per bolt.
Hmm I can make the special bag if someone can get me the recipe. Also ... does anyone know the rule on special bags? Someone on thottbot claims you can only carry one special (soul, herb, enchanting) bag at a time ... and this INCLUDES the bank. WTF? Can anyone confirm or deny this?
I need a soul bag AND an enchanters bag. Come on!
unknown about special bags, but i thought hunters could equip as many quivers as they wanted... which are kinda like special bags... hmmmm
as a rule, i don't trust anything I read on thottbot ever.
That doesn't seem like it makes a lot of sense, because then the tailor could only make one bag... and then they'd immediately have to sell it or trade it before they could make another one...
Isn't the soul pouch recipe sold in gadgetzan? I have to go back to that infernal place to buy an engineering recipe, so if I see the pattern I'll pick it up for you.
I already have the soul pouch bag recipe, I bough it as soon as the patch came out.
The thottbot user claimed the error only came up when equipping the bag in a bag slot.
Wait, being that I'm still total noob status, clarification:
I send you 20 mageweave cloths, I get an awesome bag back?
Yes, you will get an awesome bag back. Just make sure you note that you want a bag back in your mail, otherwise I'll make myself an awesome bag.
They should make a bag for engineers for all the wires, servos, power cores and powders I have to carry. They can call it a "laptop bag".
BTW, rick, after playing my hunter alt a bit I feel for you on the bag space issue. Having to carry a dedicted armor pouch really limits the amount of stuff you can carry... (although, i guess I have to carry 4 stacks of poison, 2 stacks of flash powder, and one stack of blind powder wherever I go, so maybe it evens out eventually)
err... ammo pouch.
I dunno if they'll have an engineering bag. Maybe a mining bag though.
ugh yes, hunters have terrible bag space issues... food for pet, arrows... that and warlocks who keep 40+ shards on hand for raid purposes really get screwed
they should make arrows stack to 1000 and shards stack to 20 ><
and flash powder stack to 20? Rogue Nerfs!!! If they weren't holding my children hostage, I would definitely stop subscribing. Or at the very least, re-roll.
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