Did you know:
...that If you log in when you're dead you get this cool login screen?
...that Shaman's have a cool enchantment that lets you walk on water?
...that if you Mind Control someone, you can give them buffs and they'll retain them after the MC wears off, thus allowing a Night elf like this one to get a Shaman buff?
We were dancing with this alliance night elf on the water by Booty Bay for like 10 minutes. After the angsty gankfest in gadgetzan the night before, this was a welcome change. Of course, 10 minutes later a lv 60 hunter ruined it by aim shotting my shammy friend here.
nice guild name on that elf ... Secret of Mana
Did the hunter who aim shotted the shaman, did they fein death and repeat?
shammies can cast water walking on others?! uber. priests can only cast a self levitate (although it also acts as slow fall, which is nice). more and more i consider leveling a hunter...
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