Monday, March 20, 2006


Thanks to all who came to the RFK run Saturday Morning. Cowchan, Dwight, Meef, myself, and our pick-up-shaman Arbo made quick work of the pig men in the Kraul. Our group didn't have any deaths (other than Arbo's perilous trip to the actual instance, and he was a little... slow). Now I have a blue dagger, and don't feel as self-conscious when people are obviously Inspect-ing me while I wait for the zeppelin.

What's next? I should be lv 36 or 37 by this weekend; do you think we could do the Scarlet Monastery library? I'm also a little confused on the level requirements for RFD, some websites report the level requirements as 35-40 and some report it as 36-45 or so... Anyone with some more high level experience willing to shed some light here?


Alex said...

The quest rewards were pretty good, finally got me some blue shoulders ... great stats! I'm ready to tear up desolace and then get my artisan cooking quest ... I probably can get to 36 by the weekend.

meef said...

yum scarlet monastary ^_^ can't wait until we start running through that. not sure what's in store for rogues, but i know for casters, the Illusionary Rod is quite nice. also a nice helm drops from the cathedral portion of the instance (although we'll have to be 40 or above for that probably).

I ran rfd... once i believe to complete a quest. there's lots of undead mobs there, and many groups of mobs, so aoe helps a lot. a group of 40s should be able to get through the whole thing fine. mid thirties may be fine for the beginning, but may have trouble at the last boss? we definitely need to go there for the undead skellies dancing though. heheh. here's a map for any interested, kinda old though, so not sure if the lewt is up to date: rfd map

InfoMofo said...

There are some random swords that are nice, and definitely cool armor/necklaces/rings, etc. I don't think I can complain about the potential loot in SM. So, if we have 5 lv 37s for SM Library we should be fine, right J?

meef said...

yepyep. library's the lowest one, so 37 should be fine. looks like i have some work to do heheh

InfoMofo said...

don't you mean "nyohoh"? mehm whatevre.

Rick Kitagawa said...

Let me know when you guys are planning to run this, so I can try to be there! Woot Steves Korean BBQ!